Jim, thanks for the added info.and here's my plans from the info.provided- I will house the ducklings for the first week or two in the fibreglass container in the garage, then build and move the growing ducklings into a chicken wire fenced in area of a. 32'sq. outside to the back of a southern exposed utility shed to continue their growth for another 3-4 weeks until ready for water. (Should I provide structure for shelter and what will keep the predators out). At what point should I release them to the lake and how... a. 1000' long and 750' wide with two small island 100' off the east side of the back portion of the lake and away from the house. This summer I will be building a floating "T" dock between the two islands and the main land. This past winter I have erected a 20' windmill and areator between the two island for winter and helping to keep the water open in this 3-4' depth. I will build a southern expose shelter for the ducks to go into during the winter if required. I would like to maintain some 20 birds on the water and surrounding slopes. If I can produce some dinner food from the offspring that would be good as well. I think I will see if the ducks can reproduce themselves but if they can't I will invest in a good incubator to hatch a few. My overall goal is to have some very nice ducks and geese living in the lake and attracting some wild ducks as well to view and create some dinner meals along the way as we enjoy their beauty. How am I doing so far?????? Any fine tuning needed on any of the aspects from the garage, to the pen and later to the lake where they can feed on the vegetation with some supplemental feedings until winter? Thanks
