Originally Posted By: MFBAB
Originally Posted By: poppy65
We have lots of gravel pits here that often get flooded by a river and the fish population changes drastically. One of them is a couple miles from the river and hadn't flooded in decades. It was crystal clear and like looking at an aquarium from a boat. Hoards of bluegill of all sizes and a lot of LMB. I know of at least 2 10pound LMB caught out of it. It flooded a few years ago when a dam broke and is completely different now. Very few BG and a rare small LMB. Lots of carp, bowfin, and gar. People also catch a few BH and CC now.

Interesting point about the water color.
The first time I personally saw this particular pond flood was about 7-8 years ago, and it definitely lowered the viz from about 2 feet to less than 1 foot, and it stayed that way. Also, they seem to get dark brown algae blooms in the summer since then as well, which is probably a big part of the summer fish kill 2 years ago, although I wasn't down there at the time that happened so I'm guessing.

I didn't mention it before, but this pond has a constant supply of underground water from a pipe at the upper end- I understand that this water isn't oxygenated, but it is clear.

Personally, I think there is a lot to be said about BOW's that get flooded on occasion. They are not so good if you are wanting just certain species and trying to manage for them but they are great fishing holes. There's just something about getting a tug on your line and having no idea what is on the other end.