Catfish food should be easy to find. Gamefish Chow 32% is another alternative.

Here is some more info on CC from SRAC. Blues have slightly higher protein requirements as per Bill's cite.

Commercial feeds for food fish
generally contain 28% or 32% protein.
A 26% protein feed is also
available from some feed mills.
Research has shown that protein
levels as low as 24% can support
maximum growth if fish are fed as
much as they will eat. Low-protein
feeds cost less, but usually
result in more body fat and lower
processed yield. Research has
shown that there is a marginal difference
in the processed yields of
fish fed a 28% or 32% protein feed
(about 0.3 to 0.4 percentage unit
reduction in fish fed the 28% protein
diet), but the difference may
be significant to catfish processors.
The type of feed to choose
depends on whether fish prices
are based on live weight or on
processed yield. Although fish fed
higher protein feeds (35% to 40%)
have better processed yield and
lower body fat content, these
feeds usually are not economical.

Last edited by ewest; 03/09/16 04:14 PM.