More info.

From Bluegills Biology and Behavior by Spotte pg 88 et sec

The breeding seasons of bluegills and pumpkinseeds are slightly offset. Adult male bluegills .. become active about 3 weeks later than pumpkinseeds. .... at one location pumpkinseeds commenced nesting at 13 -17 C bluegills at 17 -23 C.

Pumpkinseeds nest singly or in loose aggregations , sometimes between bluegill colonies , although they can also nest as close as 8-15cm. Bluegills and pumpkinseeds nest predictably each year at the same sites.

The finished pumpkinseed nest is a circular dished depression 20 - 100 cm across .... A finished bluegill nest is 20 -45 cm in diameter.

Bluegills hybridize naturally with ... pumpkinseeds ....

The book notes lots of other similar behavior and data.

Last edited by ewest; 03/03/16 01:46 PM.