You said it in your second paragraph first sentence. BG are the backbone of the food chain for LMB. This IMO is 100 percent a must! LMB can eat, eat, eat...

Bob Lusk the founder of PondBoss and one of the most knowledgeable men I know when it comes to ponds says it all the time! It's all about the BG for forage!

If he says it you know it's Golden when it comes to ponds or he would not say it if he didn't know for sure!!

Bill Cody and Esshup, and David, and Rainman and TJ, and many others here have dedicated their lives to pond management... I would never listen to some hatchery over any of these guys period!!

I have a LMB, HSB, BG pond with a few RES, and its now becoming something I never thought possible because of the advise I have gotten on this site!! Always ask here first like you did you just saved yourself a lot of problems on down the road by doing so!!


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!