First off I would like to thank esshup for the help that he has already supplied to me on another outdoors forum and everybody else for their old posts. I bought a neglected property in September 2015 that has 2 quarter acre ponds on it. I have better knowledge than most of water quality because I'm a water chemist by trade, but have never managed a fishery before. I'm a closet crappie lover, but know enough about them to not try them in my ponds. I will describe each pond and see what everyone thinks I should do. I'm thinking that I would like at least one to be a HBG fishery. I would also like to harvest several meals a year, have fun fishing for the kids(but not a bunch dinky fish), and I don't really like catfish.

The front pond has constant flow from a spring and great mixing. This pond seems to range from 3 ft to 8ft deep. It has a few 10-12 inch LMB(maybe 10) and 5-7 inch BG (maybe 25-50). The water is clear with some weed cover. We had very harsh winters in both 14 and 15 in Indiana and I believe this to be reason that their are so few fish. Otters are another possibility. The previous owners swear that the ponds were full of fish LMB, BG, and CC just a few years ago. I see no catfish and not feeder fish. Has some bullfrogs. This pond has not froze over this winter at all. I have power right to the edge of the water. Can probably see a secchi disk all the way to bottom, but at least 5-6 ft. I can see the fish and my lures a long way off.

The second pond seems to be around 5-6 ft in most places with a few shallow edges coming off a hill. It is mostly runoff fed, but seems to have some spring flow, but much less than the other pond. This pond seems to be void of fish, but has a booming population of bullfrogs. This pond freezes 100% across the surface area. Is down in a valley and long way from a power source. This pond adds great wildlife value to our property, but is more neglected than the first. This pond is also very clear.

Given these facts what do you all suggest? I might add that I have a reputable fish farm according to this site 10 minutes from the ponds and another 20 minutes from my house that is 3 hours away from the ponds.