Hobbyman, Home Depot has Hydrated Lime for about $7.49 for a 50# bag. If possible, 2 trash pumps work best. One pump to fill, and circulate the Hydrated Lime slurry, and a second pump to apply it onto the pond.

Below is the setup I use on my boat to apply Alum and Hydrated lime. I setup the pumps and tote on a utility trailer on ponds too small to use the barge on. If you use valves, or tinker with throttles, you can keep the tote full and just pour bags of lime in as you apply it to go MUCH faster. You can use the pond water you are treating as your water supply....Once tuned on input/output, it took be about 20 minutes to apply 1800# (90 bags) of Hydrated lime. I'll also forewarn you...Hydrated Lime trashes trash pumps pretty easily, so use cheap ones you don't mind losing....

Last edited by Rainman; 02/08/16 05:35 PM.