I would like to call BS on this guy but I am a biochemist, not an astrophysicist. His theories might have an impact but it sounds like a way to say some fancy words and be considered and expert to people uninformed in the topic. I have not heard of any physicist that support his theory (I am sure I am wrong). Why doesn't he write it up with his data and submit it to the other experts in a peer-reviewed journal instead of posting it on an online forum? My guess is it's bogus.

Originally Posted By: esshup

What can we do to alter an F5 tornado, Hurricane or a massive rain that dumps feet of rain over a few months? Not a darn thing.

I disagree. Hurricanes for example, as water warms it evaporates quicker. More water in the air powers stronger hurricanes. And the oceans are definitely warming. I learned long ago to not argue if it's man made or not. But I will say we alter mother nature all the time. People do it on a small scale. I am right now in my green house. If I can change the environment in a 25x40 greenhouse by myself think of what 7 billion people could do....