Another option perhaps....FWIW I started planting trees here at the new place in 2012 and have been using 5 foot tree tubes with good success. We have lots of deer and they haven't bothered any of the trees. The tubes I purchased were also advertised as making the trees grow faster and I think that claim is actually true for most variety of trees I've planted. For example, I now have 10 feet tall Catalpa trees, that I started as seed in my basement in April 2012. Also have 15 to 20 feet tall maples, sycamores and birch that were planted as little 8 inch seedlings in 2012.

On the flip side, our orchard is all semi-dwarf trees and the tubes are too tall for them as I think they inhibit the branch growth that low. The deer enjoyed browsing on them last spring. I think I'll try the wire ring idea this spring.

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