turtlemtn, many here know I am a new to growing fish. I am now in my 14th month. I could not be where I am without the help and recommendations of several good experienced people here and with Todd and Walt from Overtons fishery. I have to say from day one, I understood small ponds like mine(3.5 acres) should not be stocked with crappie. I have been told there are only a few here in Texas (at this time) that are following the same path as me as per stocking rates of BG, and RES along with TFS and Tp and the Texas Legacy LMB (formally known as the Camelot Bell LMB). And as you said, my goal is to grow as many XL LMB (double digit) that I can. I have watched my BG grow to 7+" and I have seen how Tp can reproduce to the point of taking over the feeders and can be seen every where, if introduced prior to stocking your lmb fingerlings. It has been a great ride and I am looking forward to the next 14 months. My goals continue and I have learned the pond may need supplemental stocking (grow out pond here), recommended to me for supplemental stocking of Tp, as the lmb grow. I see a possible gap in the forage base during our winter months as the Tp die off. It's true the lmb become less active and feed less during this time but they still feed. So, the crappie looks interesting, I like the shape of an 8" crappie, looks much easier for a XL lmb to swallow verses an 8" BG. So for now I wait and wait for ewest article on crappie to come out in the next PBM. Be patient, esshup says. Now I wonder, about what Bill Cody said of Unpredictable Recruitment. Boy O Boy. Take the untraveled road ?? smile



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