Bill I wondered the same questions after my pond was already stocked with local (Kansas) raised northern brood stock.

When I built the sediment pond, my intention was to put only RES and FHM in it. But about that time there was some really nice pics of CNBG be posted and I thought how pretty the fish were. So when I ordered the 200 RES to put in said pond, on a lark I also ordered 100 CNBG.

My thinking, right or wrong, was that the genetic diversity introduced to my main pond (once the CNBG spawned and populated the sediment pond, it was only a matter of time till they migrated via the runoff into the main pond) would not likely hurt anything and might help. The CNBG would be a tiny portion of the genetic base since the main pond was already populated by northern BG. My thinking was that I was probably on the northern limit of where CNBG might do "ok". I doubted they were the optimum choice for my latitude but no one knew for sure.

Any way, right or wrong, that was my thinking. I think it will be interesting over the years to see if more CNBG traits show up in my catch rate or if they just kind of go by the wayside and the northern BG remain the dominant trait. I figure at least an original stocker of the CNBG will be a novelty catch occasionally.

Last edited by snrub; 12/21/15 11:06 AM.


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