Cecil, high cholesterol runs in my family (both sides), from the high 200's to the high 300's. Weight is not an issue for my folks or 3 brothers.

Back in '08 mine was 290 and the Dr. short of insisted on putting me on statins. Being one who's anit-drug unless absolutely necessary I asked how to bring it down and the answer was diet, exercise and ELIMINATE processed foods. It wasn't an aggressive plan I went on, just an eliptical machine and better eating habits and I have also ELIMINATED any processed foods! No frozen food, dinners or anything processed. Meats from the meat department (including bacon) and fruits and veggies from the produce dept. In 4 months I brought it down to 229.

Then in 2013 the Dr. convinced me everyone should be on a statin so I started with Simvistatin. Within a week I was falling asleep at my desk in the middle of the day (along with muscle aches). A week later I was given samples of Crestor to try. I wasn't falling asleep but I didn't feel like me. So I stopped and haven't taken any since.

Jumping ahead to today, I started exercising 2 months before my trip with Fatih, using a treadmill (twice a day, 30 minutes each) and drinking at least 2 veggie/fruit drinks per day (kale, spinach and berries). Having a checkup right before we left my cholesterol was 185, first time ever under 200!

My dad who's 78 was acting very strange about 6 months ago. Constant chills, no appetite and somewhat lethargic, we knew something was wrong. And after 20+ years of seeing the same GP, we all switched to a new one. I went with dad and all of his 8 daily meds thinking there's a chemical reaction going on. And through process of elimination, discovered it was the statin. The doctor's comment was "as much as I believe in statins, would you rather live the next 10 years feeling like crap, or the next 5 feeling good and enjoying life, if in-fact clogged arteries from high cholesterol cause a heart attack? He's down to 1 med, a memory pill (beginning stages of dimentia).

The change for both of us was like night and day!

So in summary, everyone's genetic makeup is different and will have different reactions from different drugs, let alone how they react with each other if several are taken, including just more than one. I've also been told, even though we fast prior to having our cholesterol checked, it can be very different from one week to the next.

Maybe it was just our first GP, but after going in for an ailment, it always seemed like the script-pad was the doctors cure for everything. To me it's like putting a bucket under a leak instead of finding the source and fixing it.

I make my juices with a Nutri Ninja and have since bought a second one that I took to the office so the folks are drinking them now too, as none of us are good enough healthy eaters. This way we're at least getting more fruits and veggies every day. The biggest difference I've seen with the juices is energy and alertness.

Again, everyone's different, but this has worked for me. I'm 53 and am currently on no meds. Other than the occasion treadmill workout. I could/should eat better, but I love to cook and prepare my own meals.

Look at the chemicals in processed foods and decide for yourself, but I personally think this is the reason for so many ailments!

I wished I could get my folks off the processed foods but the convenience overcomes the desire to prepare their own meals. I cook for them a lot, but can't be there for every meal.

Sorry for the long story, this is just mine.

Keith - Still Lovin Livin

(a short video tribute to the PB members we met on our 5 week fishing adventure)

Formerly: 2ac LMB,HSB,BG,HBG,RES