Originally Posted By: teehjaeh57
I'm afraid I'm going to need a little more than that - please share your design. I get your design, and love the simplicity, but photos help me tremendously.

Seeing as this bucket already has a track record of 3 kills without it even being rigged, that could be a sign from above.

The string thing (balers twine was used) came from my BIL's uncle who was a career military guy who spent a lot of time in nasty places. He's the one that set this up in the pole barn.

All he did was take a 5 gallon bucket, drill two opposing holes at the top of the bucket, tied the twine on one side, pulled it thru the other hole and drew it tight like a tightrope, then tied it. Enough twine was left to drape it down to the floor.

The twine over the bucket was generously coated with peanut butter, about 3" from each end. Reason being is a mouse can walk on the rim of a bucket because that is solid. The slack twine made it easier for the mice to climb up the bucket, but when they hit the horizontal tight twine with all four feet trying to get to the goodies they crave, Physics Happens!

The explanation here is the tight twine made it feel rigid to the mouse, and therefore safe, but has pretty much Zero torsional properties that a load could latch onto and stay upright, hence, the unsuspecting but greedy mouse, doesn't know this and goes for a swim with no way to get out.