I can understand where it would be a problem in non fuel injected non computerized applications. On engines already set too lean, adding a fuel that needs to be richer is not going to help the situation.

Ran across this about Brazil that is interesting.

100% ethanol cars in Brazil

It definitely is a better fit for engines that have the ability to adjust the fuel to the application and take advantage of the higher octane of ethanol.

Before I left home (for three months) put fresh fuel with Sta-bil in all the small engines, ran them WOT for a few minutes, drained the fuel out, started them and ran the fuel out of the carb till the engine died. Have never had any problem upon return. Guess I'm just lucky. Maybe now I've jinxed it! eek

Edit: I said all small engines but the wood splitter and a couple chainsaws that my grandson uses while he house sits get gas left in them. They just get Stabil treated gas.

Last edited by snrub; 12/13/15 12:01 AM.


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