Originally Posted By: Sunil
Years ago, we conducted a substantial bullhead culling at my pond, which I had felt was a bit too heavy on the bullhead side.

And, I had all kinds of predator fish in my pond.

When catmandoo & Co. cleaned the bullies, a lot of their guts were filled with FA. We surmised that the bullies may be eating something that was living in the FA, and the FA ingestion was a side effect.

Bullhead are often called Mudcats.

Like Bill D and TJ say, you only have so much biomass potential in your pond, so use it as you see fit.

Once a bullhead gets over 2 lbs., there's not may pond predators that can eat them.

For me, I don't care for bullheads.

The thread about the FA in the bullhead stomachs is here: Bullhead culling at Sunils

You have to get to the 3rd or 4th page before you find pictures of what I found in their stomachs, and for a discussion of bullheads and ingesting FA.

As for Sunil not caring for bullhead -- he sure likes to eat them! grin

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