Second try on the YP photo...
Well, now it won't load at all... I am technologically challenged. Trust me, they are beautiful.

Goal for adding these is to establish a breeding population primarily as more forage for the LM. WR for the larger bass (over 15") is averaging around 90% (This is a preliminary number, I haven't completed my spreadsheets for the year and compiled all the data yet). I would like to maintain or increase that. I chose YP because I like the idea of a forage fish that I can also eat on occasion.

Future stocking plans, at least my current thoughts, are to add HSB once I am sure they would not impact the forage enough to lower WR on the LM.

I will try to revisit this thread at least yearly to post WR on LM as well as stomach contents on culled LM to confirm that they will target the YP over the BG.

Thanks to so many of you for advice, offers of help and an overall great place to get info and a laugh. Special thanks to Rex for making the delivery.