On my 9ac pond in Chester S.C., my friends and I fish the pond 4 or 5 days per week and release most fish. We have harvested approx. 90 lbs.of bass per year in the 12"-14" range. We catch 30 to 40 bass per week and release most fish.

The bass appear to be healthy and represent a good spread of year classes. Many 2 lb..to 4 lb.. bass and one 10lb.3oz caught this year.Water quality is good and established population of threadfin shad and BG is present. I do not have an over abundance of small stunted bass as would be expected with very little harvest. I am hesitant to harvest 50 plus lbs./ac or 450 lbs. annually. Is mortality due to catch and release compensating for not harvesting?

Your comments will be appreciated.

Al Allison