Phil , Bill and all,

My lights are setup to grow green water, and like phil said it is the temp of the bulbs that matters. My white LEDs are 7500K which should be great to produce Green water. Also the Florescent lights are of a proper temp and should add a lot of light into the tanks. Its about the temp of the light produced. If you look at the light algae likes and add it to your tanks, you will grow it. A side benefit of the algae is the fact that it uses nitrate for food. Nitrate is a by product of the bacteria using the ammonia produced by the fish (ammonia, nitrite,nitrate). The ammonia is produced by the fish metabolizing their food. The nitrogen cycle.

I could try to keep the water clear, or I can promote green water and use its benefits. Yes I have to clean the tanks better at the end of the season, but that is a small price to pay for the protection and production.

John, consult your doctor if you can remember this post that long. smile


The one thing is the one thing
A dry fly catches no fish
Try not to be THAT 10%