About 45 days ago I had hundreds of bull frog tadpoles piping in the pond and then I wound up with at least 500 young bull frogs in the pond and along the pond banks. I could not believe the number of frogs.
Update, I now have hundreds of dead frogs along the bank and floating in the water. Some have missing legs, front or back legs. Some just look like they hopped up on the bank and died. So many that there is a stench in the air when you are close to these dead frogs. I still have maybe 200 along the bank that seam to be healthy. So any ideas why the frogs are dying?
The fish seam fine, no floaters and the crawfish seam fine also, still see them walking on bottom of the pond. There are 2 to 4 Black Heron birds that visit the pond most every day along with at least 30 Wood Ducks everyday (going from fish feeder to fish feeder when they go off) Along with some other flight ducks that are resting on the pond some days. There are coon tracks along the bank everyday. I would understand it if the frogs were eaten but most of the dead frogs look like they just died without any devastation to their body's. Any ideas what has caused this? has anyone ever seen this before? Possible disease?

PS, the big bull frogs seam to be doing well, have seen no big frogs dead.


Last edited by TGW1; 10/08/15 06:20 AM. Reason: sp

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