This Beautiful fish was caught this past Sunday. Caught 9 others that were close , but this was the big one of the day.
This is a one year old F1 strain tiger bass from American sport fish.
Fish was approximately 5-6 inches when stocked. As of Sunday, 16.5 inches long. Measured quickly and put back.

Stocking ratio was : 32 coppernose to 1 bass for a total of 55 Bass. Bream were stocked May 17 2014 and then allowed to spawn.
Bass were added September 10, 2014. In other words the ratio may be more than 32:1. Also 200 pounds of crawfish were added to the lake mid april 2014.

These bass ( at least a few of them) spawned this year and I'm not sure which month. I have counted thus far 12 new bass about 5-6 inches long within the last 3 days and caught 2 on a beatle spin, so next year at this time I will have to pull some from the lake.