Ben, be willing and ready to switch to different baits/presentations if you think the remaining LMB are getting wise. My small (1/4 acre) pond has been bass heavy for a couple of years, but I've managed this summer to remove slightly more than 100 LMB. When night crawlers stopped working, I drifted two light wire hooks baited with red wigglers in tandem under the lightest bobber I could find. Then I would sight fish the LMB so as to minimize catching panfish. The wigglers also are productive these days hooked "wacky" and freelined to potential bass holding areas. Some days it is more effective to add a Power Bait "crappie nibble"; other days the bass reject the added Power Bait. I've found the double hook setup sometimes will hook a panfish, but then will also grab a greedy bass that has been lurking in the shadows, unwilling to bite first. GOTCHA! Some days a portion of a purple worm does the trick, better than live bait.
I believe that I've been successful in greatly reducing the LMB this year. I see a large one (for my Pond) possible 18", a couple in the 11 or 12 inch range, and some smaller ones on occasion, but no longer are LMB the predominant catch. My YP numbers are coming back up.
One of my present goals is to crush the LMB population in hopes of again having some larger perch.