The first 2 are a bit personal... see a truly gross looking pond while travelling down an Interstate highway covered in FA, find the owner and try to sell them Tilapia, and if they can't afford them, stock some for free.... barely resist the urge to slap a friend when they call saying, "I just added 200 White Crappie" to a 3yo, perfectly stocked 1/2 acre smallie pond, and THEN ask, "think it'll mess anything up?".... like Green Sunfish....

...your pregnant wife tells you while you're fishing that her water just broke, and you say, just 2 more casts hun....

...your wife tells you that you love your pond more than her, and you have to mentally debate the merits of both.... spend 50 grand on dirt work for a 2 acre pond, 5 grand on aeration, 3 grand on fish food and feeders, 5 grand on fish, 10 grand on a covered dock, 5 grand on landscaping, catch a 6" fish on the first ever cast into the new creation on a crisp morning at sunrise, you're alone as mist is rising up off the water you look up, proud, seeing the awesome beauty of it all and your only thought is, Man!, why didn't I do this years ago?!?!?