
My situation is slightly different. I'm in the process of building a 4-5 acre pond in southern Il. I plan to stock minnows this fall as the pond fills and then blue gill in the spring. Depending on water levels LMB will follow in the fall. I would also like to stock some Hybrid Stripers for sport fishing but the main purpose will be for LMB/bluegill. I probably won't be feeding at the start since the pond is about a hour away from home and don't currently have power at the site

Is it ok to stock the hybrids if I won't be feeding? Should the Hybrids be stocked at the same time as the LMB or wait and stock larger hybrids later? From your note I was planning on using the 5/acre rate you recomended. Should this rate be different if I'm stocking the LMB and stripers at the same time? Also should I reduce the LMB stock rate to compensate for the stripers?

Thanks for your help. Keep up the good work with the magazine.
