
With supplementary feed (high-protein pellets), you can get away with stocking hybrid stripers at a fairly high density . . . say, 15-to-20 to the surface acre.

One consideration: You are adding to your pond a serious, open-water predator. Will hybrids interfere with your plans for trout? For bass? The answer: When stocked in at 15-to-20 the acre, the hybrids almost certainly will be a negative factor in growth-rates of your other species.

I once stocked hybrids in an established bass-bluegill lake, at a rate of 5 adults (12 inchers that weighed 10 ounces), and the results were positive. No problems with my bass at all.

BTW, if you can buy 1-pound hybrids, delivered, for $3 apiece, and they truly weigh a full pound, buy 'em, hoss. I recently paid $3 each for 8-inchers that weighed maybe 6 ounces. And I had to go pick them up.

Shows what a shrewd fellow I am.

Oh, you didn't answer my previous . . . last name and hometown?

Mark McDonald