Man I feel so much better now!

I just got the opportunity to let my trusty employee have it old fashion style, and got that off my chest. It's one thing (and would be a bonus IMO) to let a few cblmb go in with a lot of HSB to be stocked in an existing bass fishery, but dang this poor would-be pond boss ordered 8 HSB for his 1/8 acre pond and got at least 4 LMB.

Unacceptable. How can you screw it up this badly?

I hope you, Boburk, will have enough water in your pond to take my offer of true HSB to make up for the screw-up. I even have this trusty employee who may actually be quite happy to haul them LOL.

In addition, if you would like me to take a crew and seine these LMB out of your pond, just let me know and we will make that happen ASAP. I want to see the Glazener HSB in your pond (as long as it is holding water).

P.S. The bass were legacy genetics (still undecided on the name) and might be worth something to somebody.

It's ALL about the fish!