Bill, I did change my plans in certain ways in regards to the predators--no cats and no HSB. I was also way off on my numbers. I did add 38 WE and probably the same amount of SMB in December of 2013. Last December I also put in 10 lbs of mature YP and 20 Lbs mature GS from Rex. So far, I could not be happier w/this combination. The first two walleyes I sampled came as escapees from my overflow in Feb of this year. One measured 14 in, and the other 13 1/2, both in excellent condition. I've caught others since then, the last in June, measuring 16 in. However, I wasn't pleased w/its girth. I know little about WE in ponds. I still am amazed that it grew a foot in just a year and a half.

I caught the first SMB March of this year. It was over 10 inches and in good condition. The others I've caught since then have been identical. Again, I'm impressed as these were just 2 in long when stocked.

YP are doing well. I catch them regularly when fishing for the HBG. I did not see any reproduction from them. They are pretty foreign for my region, but I am enjoying them as a bonus fish.

Probably as no surprise, I've caught fewer RES than anything, but I've not really fished for them, and I know there are some dandies in there.

I still have plenty of FHM, but their numbers have drastically declined overall. I doubt they will be here by next year. I have no clue as to the GS. I don't see them and have never caught one. I know nothing about their habits. Since I've never found any dead ones, I only assume they're still in there and doing fine.

It may seem weird, but I have made a concerted effort to limit my fishing in this pond. I guess I still see it as if it's in its infant stage and don't want to intrude too much. I only fish it in the spring and fall and avoid the hot months.

The HBG have impressed me beyond imagination. I stocked in 2012 and 2013 between 500-600. I undertook my first harvest this spring before they spawned. All fish under 8" were automatically removed. All over 9 were returned. Those in between were selectively harvested based on body characteristics. All females were removed. The most harvested in one day was 21. The last day, we only managed 4. All the rest were above the 9 inch mark. Body condition was excellent. We harvested around 125, not counting all that were too small. Most are at a lb apiece. The longest was near 10". They seem to be developing more girth than length, and I'm fine w/that. I plan on harvesting another 50-75 this fall. I have caught many offspring. To my eyes, they are identical to the HBG, not at all heavy on the GSF genes.

I hope this helps.