Newbee, I didn't see you say how big your pond is but I'll bet you've got more than one of your "MONSTERS". I have a 7 acre pond and always have small (3" to about 6") painted turtles on various rocks & logs sunning themselves. I never saw any of the larger turtles and I'm at my pond several times each day for various lengths of time, sometimes all day if I just want to get away. Several years ago I put a suspended line in with half a dozen 4 ought or 5 ought hooks on wire leaders with a chunk of liver on each hook. Within a few days I caught the legal limit of the monsters most of which were in the 15 to 20 pound size range. Some would fit head first in a 5 gallon bucket but several were too large to go in the bucket. I removed and "relocated" the legal limit for 3 or 4 years in a row but I'm sure I didn't get all of them. I did occasionally see a half eaten duck or baby goose prior to removing the monsters but I haven't seen any the last 2 years. I also haven't tried to catch any the last 2 years. Your post reminded me of them and I think I will try again next week and see if any "MONSTERS" are lurking about.

Mistakes are proof that you are trying.
