First of all I want to let you guys know that I appreciate the responses to my questions I have posted. I have not found another magazine or web page that offers more information than what I have found here.

That being said I have a problem that may be someone else out there could help me with. I was out at my pond feeding my fish (loving every minute of it), when one of my ducks began to squack and flutter around on the surface of the water. I could not figure out what was wrong until I got up close and found that a large prehistoric looking turtle had the duck by the leg. I was able to get close enough and grab the thing by the back legs. Wrong thing to do, because the thing let go of the duck and extended what I believe to be the world record longest neck and almost got me. I paniced (Of Course) and flung the thing into the air and it landed back in the pond. I must have set by that pond with a shotgun for at least two hours with no sign of the thing coming up for air.
My wife was witness to this event and has told everyone we know that I screamed like a little girl, but she did not get a close look at this thing. My question is that since this turtle does not come up for air that often, how do I get ride of it. I have seen these things in the bayou where I go fishing, but I had not had the pleasure of an up close and personal meeting and I hope to avoid it in the future. Thanks in advace for your help.