Originally Posted By: ewest
What you describe below is normal RES & BG behavior.

" He would run other fish away, but sometimes chase them a foot or more away the nest before returning and chasing something else away. The two RES seemed to tolerate each other but stay out of each others nests. The 5" RES guarding eggs would never leave the nest, but instantly nip at any fish that came too close. He would sit right over the top of the nest, then periodically lower himself a little and very obviously fan the eggs with his pectoral fins. He could move with lightning speed if an intruder came too close, making a circle within the nest so fast it just looked like a blur."

Great info Shorty !!!! It agrees with the other studies and data from the field. New ponds have no existing populations of adult BG or RES to suppress sexual maturity (spawning)in the new stockers so the new ones try to fill the pond up with their offspring ASAP.

Ok ewest, thanks, but I've never been accused of being short. I'm 6'1" and used to be 6-2 before getting old. grin

I really enjoyed watching their antics and it has been a really neat year in that regard watching these RES from the bank, seeing my BG and RES on nests snorkeling earlier in the year in my main pond, and observing LMB and PS on nests in a Cape Cod pond while snorkeling with a friend and resident there.

Last edited by snrub; 08/14/15 11:23 AM.


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