Darn pigs come and go on my place but are about 90% nocturnal. They really don't do much damage and I don't consider them a problem. Nor do any of my ranching neighbors but I doubt that I could have a garden.

I've only eaten it once but that was from a piglet. No odor and it was OK to eat when cooked over coals. I have learned that if a pig stinks when you walk up on it, don't even try to skin it.

A couple of years ago my, then 14 year old, Grandson shot a huge sow right at dark. He was using my 30-30 and I had his scoped 243. It ran away and my grandson sent me a message. I told him to stay in his popup and that I was coming. It was dark when I got there. We tracked from blood for about 50 yards in some really thick stuff and lost the trail. Then I told him we were calling it off until morning. I figured that we were carrying the wrong weapons for that job. He didn't like that idea one bit. So I asked him the question. Do you know the difference in hunting a wounded hog in the dark vs golf, football, tennis, or baseball? The answer? Those sports required only one ball and I am a castrado(Spanish). We found it the next morning and my scales bottomed out. They only go to 200 pounds and I now have bigger scales.

Last edited by Dave Davidson1; 08/14/15 04:23 AM.

It's not about the fish. It's about the pond. Take care of the pond and the fish will be fine. PB subscriber since before it was in color.

Without a sense of urgency, Nothing ever gets done.

Boy, if I say "sic em", you'd better look for something to bite. Sam Shelley Rancher and Farmer Muleshoe Texas 1892-1985 RIP