Update on the above 4 RES transplanted to my tiny 20x40 pre-sediment pond.

I saw a male on the nest about 11am today. Seems like if I stay on my UTV they don't scare away as bad as if I get off to look. Went about my fish feeding chores and returned a short while later. As I drove by slowly saw both male and female and not sure but think I might have seen another near the nest. Drove around and made another slow pass and the female and male were actively spawning, one tipping slightly sideways and both shimmering while the eggs were being deposited and fertilized. They were doing the deed!

I was excited. Hopefully have some RES fry a week from now.

We usually expect RES spawn in the early spring as water warms up. But I have witnessed both last year and now this year RES in shallow water (maybe 9" deep) on beds.

This likely the second spawn? Or juvenile RES just reaching maturity so having the first spawn but a late spawn???? Don't know.

Last edited by snrub; 08/13/15 02:46 PM.


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