Originally Posted By: canyoncreek
I'm a relative new comer to the forum, but in the few years I have been here, there has been at least 10 or more bad contractors, bad ponds, expensive 'flops' to every 1 good experience. The cost is always shifted to the pond owner. It is disheartening to see all these pond misery stories.

Can't we compile a 'Angie's List' or buyer beware list for bad contractors?

call it the PB BBB (Pond Boss Better Builder Boys) or the Pond Boss 'Hole of Fame'?

Not to trash any excavators out there but only to help save money and give props to those who truly know what they are doing!

If only a small percentage of the money saved by folks digging their pond once and having it turn out correct was donated back to the forum to maintain this database of useful excavators, the site would be brimming with financial resources smile

Canyoncreek, I suspect we get to hear about a significantly high portion of the "problem" ponds here on PBF rather than all the successful ones. After all, if a person has a problem with a pond, what are they likely to do? Do a web search to see if they can find information that could help. What do they find? Pond Boss Forum. But how many successful pond builds are out there that never have reason to seek out pond advice (or don't know they need it) so don't ever discover PBF or report on their successful pond?

There have to be hundreds of ponds in the two closest counties around me, yet as far as I know not one owner other than I am on PBF. Closest PBF member to me that I know of has property probably 50 miles away and the next closest is likely half a state away.

My point is, we likely hear of the "problem" pond that is likely one in hundreds of relatively successful builds.


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