Thanks for all the great advice. Texarkana, TX would be the closest large town to me.

The ponds seem to be holding water well, we had plenty of rain earlier this year so a well seems kind of silly at the moment. I have a couple of places on Red River that took a beating. However, coming out of the drought we have had, its always in the back of my mind. My plan is to make a "rock river bed" to run the well water through before it enters the pond.

Are the Kasco aerators good quality units?

I definitely want to install some feeders. After doing some research I considered stocking with fathead minnows awhile in advance and building them some breeding habitats before I stock with CC.

One place I read also said something about not building alot of breeding structures in my pond, why would this be? Overpopulation maybe?

Thanks again for your help.