Originally Posted By: snrub
The trap has a cage situated in the middle of the trap with a trap door where a person can put bait. The mesh is pretty big so fish food will not stay in without putting it in a mesh bag. I have stuffed fish food in a bag and also dead fish or fish cleanings in this containment as attractant for BH. The area of this bait container is about the size of a can of peas. It has a bungie strap that holds the lid closed that works well.

I don't have enough experience with fish traps for larger fish to know if this is a good trap or not. But I have caught a number of medium sized bullheads with it. It is not for big fish at all, but will catch 4-5" BG, 5-6" GSF, Bh up to 10 or 12", etc. That is what I wanted it for.

If a person was trying to trap larger fish, it is not big enough.

It is well constructed and quality built. I did have a snapping turtle make a pretty good bend in some of the lid to the bait container trying to get in to the fish guts that were inside. But is straightened right out and back in the water it went.


Have you been able to catch any BG in that thing? If so, what did you bait with? I have tried a few different baits with no luck in my trap.