Originally Posted By: Lovnlivin
Spark, if Esshup would have been with us he would have been wearing one too!

Esshup, it's hard to say it's a southern thang when the first Fishtitution gown was donned in your own home state! whistle

But nice try grin

PS - but come to think of it, CMM insisted we take ours home. Sooooo, since we have them here, esshup has a pier and it's a very busy weekend on the lake, I think a photo of he and Fatih modeling one could\should be in order? (Of course I would join them but we only have two grin )


I think a good photo/video OP would be Fatih and Scott modeling the open back attire while on the North Pier shooting for some YP. I also think Keith should be doing the Olive challenge on dry land, while Jim, his wife, and me, are Executives in charge of production wink