Thanks TJ, I was quite excited about it when talking to Bill during the development. The only thing I veered from on Bill's recommendation was when to stock the YP. We would have stocked them in the Spring like he suggested but I thought we had water quality problems so I missed the opportunity with a specific YP supplier. I guess you cannot win them all.

Boburk, I have no idea if I lost more or not but I don't know what I don't know. I would assume you are correct about losing more but I would not even know where to begin on quantifying that so I stick with what I found. Maybe Rainman has a suggestion or formula on mortality of the unseen based on the seen?

Rainman, thanks. Every single one was alive and well on release. I am MORE than confident it was improper handling as my help (kids) tend to be a little rough. I am not willing to ban them from the process so I will just have to accept some dead fish. They know we have 25 dead RES so maybe on the next round we can calm them down a bit if they know it can harm the fish.