Tile: Great durability, though dropping a cast iron skillet on it can chip it. smirk

I didn't like laminate. Sure it's easier to put in and they do sell 20+ yr coatings now. But those can get scratched up and pitted too. Ditto to the comments above on design.

I like finish-in-place hardwood. When you install that beautiful 3/4" full-grained wood, you sand it until you're happy (days) and then you put a finish over the whole thing, you end up sealing the small gaps. It's the most labor intensive that I've done. You deal with sanding dust and finish vapors. They make some good finishes now.. and expensive. I settled on Bona and been happy. When the warehouse owner told me they only sell this product to professionals, I got interested. Didn't buy from him of course. Just because I'm not a professional, he doesn't know I'm rebuilding the house and can maybe do a complex, time-critical process.