Hey guys, I want to post this from Scott's PM enlightening me on the benefit of partial fluridone treatments for issues like Fishy's. Scott didn't want to correct me on the forum - he's that kind of guy! I have used fluridone before but didn't realize dosage could be alerted to be a selective herbicide - I always believed it to be a indiscriminate treatment. Since I'm learning on the forum every time I log in just like we all are, I never mind a nudge in the right direction - and this information is too valuable not to share:

"TJ, you can kill CLPW with a 10 PPB dose and it won't affect any other plants in the pond with the exception of Eurasian WaterMilfoil. wink

That's one of the good things about Fluridone. Once you figure out what dosage is lethal to what plant you can taylor the dose and not kill everything (unless it's duckweed/Watermeal/cattails or other hard to kill plants)."

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. ~ Henry David Thoreau

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