sprkplug: It very well could have turned over; we are seeing some nasty black looking water in areas.

Bill D: I agree, better to work off fact (if low DO is issue vs some other culprit). I don't know anyone off hand, but have been in contact with a local pond air supplier/installer, and may see if they could assist.

Kinda sad to see those nice fish kicking the bucket. We have been catching some really dandie black crappie (12-14 inches plus) and they looked really fat and sassy. I've only been the property owner since the end of May, but feel like I let them down/should have jumped on the FA better/sooner/faster. I've been reading like crazy, and really appreciate what Pond Boss forum does. Thanks to all you pros and regular Joes alike...

"Politics": derived from 'poly' meaning many, and 'tics' meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.