Hey everyone! And before I go too far, I've been keeping family and friends up to speed on Facebook which is so much easier with photos than the forum, that if anyone is interested please PM me your name and I would be happy to add you as a friend. There's some great photos and moments captured that I just don't think I can get on here. Fatih will do much better when he wakes up whistle . But in all fairness, this is the first break we've taken! Past 2 of 3 nights were 2 & 3:30 am fishing!

I started typing this out on Fatih's laptop, but since it's Turkish,,,,,, well I gave up and I'm now on my tablet, so I will type this out and then edit to add photos from Photobucket on his laptop because I can't copy/paste them from my tablet. And even typing on this thing is a royal PITA!

Wow, there is so much to report, about so much we've done and experienced in just 4 days. For me personally I've already fulfilled my bucket list and feel I've done and experienced more than I could have ever dreamed of.

After a great dinner with basslover on the 9th, we made it to just north of Tampa to call it a night. Pretty tough driving after a big dinner!

We left early on the 10th and drove to Ed's place, a guy Fatih met on a Florida fishing forum. And Ed's place? Well, if you could imagine the most remote area of the Everglades, off a road that 5 mph was even too rough, turning into a driveway leading to a mobile home with stuff strewn everywhere, you'd be wondering if you would ever see your family again!

But Ed was one of nicest guys you could ever hope to meet! He gave Fatih a great interview, let us fish his pond and told us about fishing the Chuckoloskee bridge in the Everglades. Then gave us a 5 gal bucket, 2 bags of cut bait, a large knife to cut it with along with a cutting board, some very large hooks and some 3 oz pyramid sinkers, and flat refusing anything in return. Oh, except for some Turkish money from Fatih and asked that we call him now and then to let him know how things are going. He also got some Pistachios from Turkey and some of Keith's beef jerky.

Here's a few pics of Ed's place and the Chuckoloskee bridge:

I will start adding photos and add appropriate captions later.

Last edited by Lovnlivin; 06/13/15 05:20 PM.

Keith - Still Lovin Livin

(a short video tribute to the PB members we met on our 5 week fishing adventure)

Formerly: 2ac LMB,HSB,BG,HBG,RES