That sure is fantastic.

You got a free ad at our church this past Sunday. Our pastor, who is crazier than most of us, mentioned Lake Life during the announcements. He was is currently on his way out to the family farm in South Dakota, just south of SDSU. He is even an SDSU agriculture alumni. He recently had a CAT 320 trackhoe delivered from here to there, and plans to play with it. The lady in the pew in front of us turned around and asked Lynda and me if we thought you guys would have scandals like on so many of the other reality shows.

We told her that it probably wouldn't happen. What you see is what you get regarding your family and friends.

The show is kind of like one of my crazy PTSD dreams where you guys appear.

We've really enjoyed the shows. They are all on our DVR. You now have a bunch of groupies in our part of Virginia and West Virginia, plus my relatives and many friends in northern Minnesota and Wisconsin.


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