Originally Posted By: RC51
Is it just me or is that F'ed up!! It's illegal to put out traps on my own fricken land in case a trespasser gets caught in one.... What..... Wow what stupid rules...RC

yes RC51...it is a wacked world we live in

get drunk...have a wreck...sue the bar

smoke for 30 years..get cancer...every pack said warning...sue the tobacco company

In 1997, Larry Harris of Illinois broke into a bar owned by Jessie Ingram. Ingram, the victim of several break-ins, had recently set a trap around his windows to deter potential burglars. Harris, 37, who was under the influence of both alcohol and drugs, must have missed the warning sign prominently displayed in the window. He set off the trap as he entered the window, electrocuting himself. The police refused to file murder charges. Harris's family saw it differently, however, and filed a civil suit against Ingram. A jury originally awarded the Harris family $150,000. Later, the award was reduced to $75,000 when it was decided Harris should share at least half of the blame.

Fishing has never been about the fish....