So...I managed to bump into a close friend that had a 2 year old or so aerator laying around for her pond that she is no longer using, after bartering a bit, I wound up with it. It is a 1/4 hp gast pump with a 9" kamair diffuser.

I added it to my pond today and plugged it in. It seems to be doing a great job as far as bubbles go, however, the smell from what I assume is years of decaying matter on the bottom of the pond is enough to gag a maggot, it appears to be hydrogen sulfide from my research.

I ran the pump for about 30 minutes and unplugged it as that seemed to be the common consensus from most of my reading, however, one article said to float the diffuser a few feet down then lower gradually over the course of weeks?

What is the preferred method to get this gas out of the pond? Should I go full bore and just let it run, very few fish in pond, but really don't want to off my tadpoles that are in there as I love frogs. Or should I gradually run pump more and more everyday. Would bacteria help speed up the process of the gas being brought up to the surface? Thanks for any help. Matt

Last edited by DuckFoot; 06/08/15 09:10 PM.