For the heck of it, I had my father in law call down to his buddy at the local pit, they are at $5 per ton for clay, so I'm looking at $75 per load plus I would want to kick in $35 load for diesel/wear and tear on the truck. '

I figured I'd need 30 loads at least, to get 1.5' clay all around and up the sides. So at that point, I'm more inclined to go with the rubber liner (my buddy is a roofer and can get a deal on 45 mil edpm).

I would like to try the polymer first in combination with some powdered bentonite as it seems like for $400 or so I can give it a shot.

I know all of this hinges on what we see when it drains down completely and whether or not it is a water table pond as to what my options are. Never thought ponds were this complicated!!! Always just looked at them as a hole with water, boy was I wrong!