A full view survey will include angling for any size/species, a shock survey, gill/fyke/cast netting, fish traps. Each survey has it's own pro's and com's along with adding a slice to the overall picture of what is in the lake and how it is skewed.

Essentially unmanageable waters always ebb and flow on what species is growing most. You may have a great LMB spawn one year, BG another, BCP another....weather and other factors determine that. What grows and has good forage will be the species to thrive and rule for a few years...then another gets top spot for a while.

Harmoniously managing a 60 acre HOA lake with solid, non-evolving goals would be about as easy as getting a young LMB to not eat a fathead minnow.

You can help create goals now as Lake Chair, and management actions you get taken now, may be in direct conflict with past or future management actions/goals.