Originally Posted By: teehjaeh57
I don't know enough about BKF to make a recommendation on whether they would establish a self sustaining population in the presence of those predators. Travis and Cody can respond to that with their experience, but my hunch is they would not make it alone. If you pellet feed your YP and SMB, it helps shift focus/pressure off the natural forage base and your chances improve. Why is this advice sounding familiar? wink

My advice is to go ahead with this stocking plan if GSH aren't appealing to you right now, and if the BKF aren't thriving, you can always stock adult GSH down the road. This is what Josh [Omaha] is doing and I like his plan - but don't tell him I admitted that publicly.

TJ is right. I was like you in that I'm worried that adult GSH will compete with the species that I want thriving in my pond. I will likely need them, as TJ alluded to, but I'm holding off until my predators can keep them in check.