Originally Posted By: Theo Gallus
Today's catch: the large (BGxRES)

I'm fascinated by the ongoing thread Shorty and others have going right now helping identify mail and female RES and the wonderful pictures on it. I'm seeing small variations in the color and intensity of the color on the tab of the pure RES but still cannot figure out how you can tell by the ear tab the male vs female RES. The pictures and the labels help and I hope someone keeps the pictures and tutorial coming!

Then this fish was posted and is called a 'gillcracker' or BGxRES. Can someone teach us how to see that this is a hybrid and where are the RES features? I don't see colored ear tab at all, maybe slightly larger ear tab? It looks like a big bluegill to my very untrained eye. Maybe it is the size of the mouth that gives it away?

If you scroll down from Theo's great picture to the nice bluegill posted by Snakebite in the next post they look similar to me.

IF someone can help that would be good. Maybe it is one of those things you get a feel for only after studying hundreds of pictures.