I've got a "dumb" story to share that just happened this morning. It's not necessarily a stunt, but pretty stupid so I thought I'd post it.

Well I finally picked up some fingerlings to restock my pond after my first fish kill about seven months ago. There were four boxes total with each box containing a plastic bag with plenty fingerlings. The instructions that were given to me to introduce them into the pond were to remove the bag from the box and place it in a shady area of the pond so that the water temperature in the bag could equalize with the pond water temperature. If I didn't have a shady area simply turn the box over and cover the bag of fingerlings to provide shade; so that's what I did. After about 15 minutes of trying to stay busy until I released the fingerlings, I caught a glimps of a white box floating across the pond. I don't have much shade near the pond so I walked over to the remaining boxes to see if I could fit two bags of fingerlings under one box. That's when I noticed that the entire bag of BG fingerlings that was covered by the floating box was gone. I was disgusted with my self for placing the bag in an area where it could roll out of reach into the pond. I quickly scanned the pond edge and realized that the bag rolled deeper into the pond than I could see. So I ran to the truck to grab a rake in an attempt to "hook" the bag and pull it back up. Well, this didn't work as I didn't feel anything. The only thing running through my mind was that all of these fingerlings are going to die in that plastic bag if I can't find it. I ripped my shoes and socks off and started wading in fairly cold water with a rake to find the bag. At this point I was almost at the panic stage. It was only after I was thigh deep in cold water and mud that I remebered.......There was air in the bag! By then the box floated across the pond to the other side. I climbed out of the slop and made my way over to the box. When I lifted it up, what do you know....a bag full of fingerlings! I felt totally stupid, but since no friends were there to make fun of me, I thought I would post it here. HOW DUMB!!! \:\(

Some days you're the bug, some days you're the windshield.