I think you need to be able to read between the lines, and understand a very large scope as to what this means.

You live on Canyon Creek Dr. in GR. I live in GH, which we both share the Grand River, Correct?

The sewage overflows from Grand Rapids, effects us over here. You flushing the toilet could mean crap floating to Lake Michigan and effecting everyone in between. Several fish farms moved over the past 15 years to better sites with really good water.

You may not realise this, but there were quite a few fish farms off the Grand River, but the waste from Grand Rapids...

Not sure how bad it is today, but the saying was, "Rains in GR, Crap today!", and that is literal!

Canyon, you have probably not been to a waste water treatment facility? My ultimate gross out point was when I had to work on a storage vessel, and all the top floating stuff was condoms and feminine pads. This is in the same water coming out of your tap eek

GH gets their water from Lake MI. Well's up north.