This isn't as stupid as it is dumb luck but I promised Bruce I'd tell him my pheasant story and this looks like a fine place to put it. Went hunting with a couple buddies. Parked on a gravel road so we could hunt a small slough. It was in the morning just after light and it was very foggy. As we stood by the car uncasing the guns the dog went down into the road ditch and began flushing birds. One bird took off from the slough and cut back over toward the road. Even though we could barely see the bird through the fog I could tell it was a rooster because it was cackling. No one had their guns loaded but the bird was flying on a path perpendicular to the road maybe 40 yards behind the car. This looked like a good opportunity to make a comment I'm sure you've heard before. As I raised my gun to my shoulder I said "Just wait til that bird sees who's behind this gun." Just as the bird crossed the ditch and was about to cross the road I simply said "bang". At that very moment the bird tumbled head over heals and dropped dead right in the middle of the road. I kept my cool and just lowered my gun and blew the imaginary smoke off the end of the barrel. You should have seen us all standing there in amazement. As we walked over to retrieve the bird I noticed the power line which we could not see in the fog was still vibrating. I swear this really happend and I bet it won't happen again in 10 life times.

Gotta get back to fishin!